Anxiety: Constantly thinking of the worst

He went out on a Friday night with a boy. That night, He told his anxiety to stay at home this night just for this night. He begs his anxiety to stay in his room this hour just for this hour. But it is hard to control Anxiety. He arrived at the date, saw the boy. His anxiety said "Don't crew this up, the boy seems nice" They began to talk And even when he's talking, focusing on the boy his anxiety won't stop whispering into his ear, "I think you are being too close, move back" "You are talking too much let him speak" "You are staring at him, STOP" "Ýou are being too loud" "He stops talking, you did something wrong" "It's hard to have conversations with other people when there's already a conversation inside your head" 1 hour into the talking, he managed to put his anxiety underwater and finally be able to relax a bit. But his anxiety still screams from the bottom of the ocean. ...