Depression; lying to people that I'm okay

I sometimes forgot that I am lying to people. Because I am so used to say I'm "Okay" Because I don't want to sound weak or dramatic Because I don't want be a victim, I want to be strong. IC: chipaitsme_ There was a lot on my head for the past days and I have been emotionally everywhere. Lost between space and time. Lost between places and people. There was a lot to process. And I tried my best to process. She asked me "Are you okay?" I told her "Yea yea, I'm just a little bit hungover that's all" And she said "From last night? it's the afternoon now, you seem not in the moment" I said "yea I know, I seem high and shit but im just hungover" I was hungover, but more of having a depression episode because of all the thing that is happening, all of the question I have asked myself for the past days because I thought it was a good idea to self-reflect. I mean it was good but it was too much and ...