Journey; Knowing yourself

There was a time in my life while I know myself, my plan and my future. And that was 2 years ago before I moved to the city. My goal was to finish my bachelor, go back home, have a business and start a family. As simple as that You see, I was confident with my goal. I took courses, jobs, and interns that are my field focuses. I saved, don't really go out, invest in a lot of time in finding love and actually study. Like I was super into and focus on my goal. I know what and why I was doing it. I have a point in life, even if I was depressed as shit from time to time I wouldn't lose focus on my goal. Now, 2 years pass almost 3 and I am all over the place. I don't want to go back home, don't want to have a business and sooo not starting a family. I don't know what I want. I don't know what I am doing. It's sad 3 years ago I was so sure of why and what I was doing. But now I am confused. I am still studying but my work currently does...