Anxiety; I don't think I'm pretty

We live in a society where we constantly being compared and judged. You are a girl do you have white skin? smooth cute face? You are a guy do you have a 6packs? Are you tall? You are gay? you don't "look" gay. You are transgender? you got plastic surgery? you are so fake. I am not proud to say I am living in this generation. Where people starve themselves just so that they can get skinnier for an Instagram picture. Where people give comment on someone's appearance like it's nothing. Where women don't date men that are shorter than them. Where men don't date women that are taller than them. Where mom would force her son to take pills to be taller. Where dad would force his daughter to get bigger breasts. It's sickening. I am insecure, I get anxious when I dress, I don't know if it looks good on me. I am insecure about my height, skin color and ... I am scared of other people's opinions on how they see me. And I am ac...