Alternate Universe or Parallel Universe.

Alternate universe, have that thought cross your mind?
Real or not it's kinda fun to think about it.

Currently, I am reading this book called "History is all you left me" (Highly recommended)

One of the characters in the book, his name is Griffin. He's a teenager, he broke up with his boyfriend because he thinks that because of him his boyfriend is holding back his dreams of leaving town to start college in animation, they still love each other but it's for the best? and later on, his ex-boyfriend died which is why the title of the book is "History is all you left me"

He mentions about the alternate universe, one of which is where his ex-boyfriend is alive and one where he didn't break with his ex-boyfriend. All of these universes he imagines give him comfort in a way.

Reading this book made me realize that most of us or maybe a lot of us who does imagine about alternate universe tend to imagine it to better than our universe, which is okay I guess?

Same goes for me, sometimes I imagined somewhere in this big space there's this universe where I am happy. achieving goals, have a healthy relationship and other cool stuff but it made me sad or envy and having the feeling of how that could never ever happen in this universe...
However, I've learned this,
"Make that alternate universe your universe"
Maybe it's impossible, no matter how hard I try that alternate universe will never be mine.
But I will still try, try my best to make it happen and maybe at least I can make my universe 75% close to that alternate universe.
Anyway, why do we always doubt ourselves and create problems that are not even there? why don't we encourage ourselves more, love ourselves more?
"Maybe I will make it! Maybe I am for ready this! 
Maybe this will turn our amazing! "
It doesn't happen instantly but we can take the step to start making it happen slowly.
And one day, we can look back and see how far we have gone and how many steps we have taken.

Everyone has their own number of steps to take before reaching that alternate universe, difference battle to win, but every one of us has the will and strange to do it.

Take it from me a stranger on the internet, you can do it.
And if you did, I am happy.


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