Oblivion is inevitable

I love the idea of love.
Being in love, loving someone.
Of course, I love my friends and family.
But that other feeling of love you know? That intimate feeling of love.
The love that sparks fireworks just like in movies.
I love that. That warm.

Here a quote from my favorite love story

"I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void,
and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed
and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust,
and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have,
and I am in love with you"
- Augustus Waters ; The fault in our stars

Can I say I can't wait to be in love? Sounds stupid but really I can't wait to share my love and lust with someone who would appreciate it.
"Holding each other soul, laying on the soft and tender love we both have for each other"
God, love is great.
Even though, I didn't really have a good experience with love still never have I given up on it.

By far I have one ex-boyfriend, it was not the best but the time we had for the first few months was great, I love it.
And since then I date a few guys but never got anywhere so I took a few breaks from time to time.

I wasn't really lucky with the love thing.
Funny since I am obsessed with the love thing.
This whole blog is funny.
You are reading a story of me obsessing over the idea of Love.

But thank you for reading this.
Just letting everyone out there who if you're obsessed with love, you're not the only one.

And It's okay to dreams, dreams of your ideal love and love the idea of dreams.
There are people in this world, like me, like us who live for love.
Who still believe in Romeo and Juliet.

It's cute.

And don't give up on it.
Just because some of it went wrong doesn't mean all will. Take some breaks and come back again.
We both know you love to love.
Soon our princess/prince charming will come down from his/her horse and walk toward us to say "would you care a dance?" and that dance will last for eternity.

Trust me.
Oblivion is inevitable.


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