Time; Ending Generational habits

The legacy of my family has proven to me that the ability to change and end generational habits is within every one of us. 

Generational habit : Things that make no sense/outdated but you do it because your ancestors did it and your parents told/order you to do it.

I believe every one of us has the power to end negative habits that past down from our family.
The one that doesn't benefit us. the one that put us under pressure, the one that we dislike, the one that we don't believe and so on.

I saw a post on Facebook a few days ago about the toxic habits that people are forced to continue due to their family's idealogy. 
And it came to mind. I start reflecting on myself on what habits I have inherited from my family that is outdated and make so freaking sense. 
Then I start to try to change. To change so that the future generation of my family won't have to continue inheriting that. 
Habits and ideology like girls shouldn't go to school or everyone must have a family or everyone need to be rich to be happy or we should do this and that. 
All of these things are so toxic now and I realize I have inherited some of them.

At the same time, I found a few big things where the generations before me changed so that I could be better. 
Giving more value to education, treating people the same, finding balance in life, being humble, being respectful and so on.

Here a little background of my mom's family. 

Starting as an undocumented Laotian family living in the deep jungle of the Cambodia-Lao border, My great great grandparents work hard so that the future generation won't have to work as hard as them.
These big changes that were made by my family are what thrive me now to evolve the world.

Again I believe every one of us has the ability to evolve. 
And all you need is to take the first step.

I hope after reading this you would also reflect on yourself, what bad habits have you inherited from your family?

Let's try our best to evole the world together!


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