
Showing posts from December, 2018

History is all you left me; Sadness

Here is something, sadness isn't Depression, you can be depressed but not have Depression. A story of a boy having his first ever boyfriend, his first ever sex, his first ever break up, his first time ever facing sadness; the death of his lover, call this dramatic but it's a classic. It's hard dealing with your head. Y'all might be annoyed by now of how many blogs I am writing about this book, I know but I just love it so much and IDK why, Here we go. Sadness; it's something, IDK. How do you explain someone psychological-ness? feeling? emotion? You can't even explain your own or can you? Who am I to judge their state of mind? Can I judge my own? Is what I am writing related to the book? Why am I writing this anyway? Why are you reading this? Some questions are simple and some are complex but its still questions you don't know if you can answer it or not, IDK maybe you can? This is when it all happens, one question then it leads to thousand a

History is all you left me; Time

"I'll never understand how time can make a moment feel as close as yesterday and as far as years - Griffin" A sentence from my favorite book. I finished the book "History is all you left me" it was AMAZING!  Before continue reading this blog, take 10m to think of happy memories you have from this year. little or a lot it is still happy memories and surely there will be more next year.  It's true, 2018 it almost over and it feels like January was yesterday, I've done so many amazing things and so many horrible things I regret. I've met so many awesome people, some are not with me right now but have always stayed in my heart. I've met so many stupid people but thanks to them I've learned to not be stupid myself. I changed so much it feels like years already. Here some small stuff I am happy to share in my 2018 I am reading books! believe it or not, I am. It's a shock to my friends. I am eating out in restauran

History is all you left me; OCD

OCD is not just making everything neat or clean. I was once dumb. With how the media industry portrayed a person with OCD as this annoying character who likes to clean everything and make everything neat or obsessively doing something just because? *guiltily I've been following that stereotype since, but while I am reading this book "History is all you left me" I begin to do research on OCD. The best thing about reading books is that you can literally put yourself into that story and feel every emotion the author is writing out. You see, one of the characters in this book, his name is Griffin and he has OCD. While I am reading this book, I didn't even know that the behavior he's having is OCD, until he mentioned like 100pages in.  The kind of OCD he has is, I don't know how to explain it? he feels really anxious when numbers are not even, he would have anxiety attacks if something happens at an odd time, example 3:53pm. You would say "

Alternate Universe or Parallel Universe.

Alternate universe, have that thought cross your mind? Real or not it's kinda fun to think about it. Currently, I am reading this book called "History is all you left me" (Highly recommended) One of the characters in the book, his name is Griffin. He's a teenager, he broke up with his boyfriend because he thinks that because of him his boyfriend is holding back his dreams of leaving town to start college in animation, they still love each other but it's for the best? and later on, his ex-boyfriend died which is why the title of the book is "History is all you left me" He mentions about  the alternate universe, one of which is where his ex-boyfriend is alive and one where he didn't break with his ex-boyfriend. All of these universes he imagines give him comfort in a way. Reading this book made me realize that most of us or maybe a lot of us who does imagine about alternate universe tend to imagine it to better than our universe, which is

Untangled; I said it

Yes, I said it. I said it out loud, it felt great. Recently I joined a project where a bunch of people comes together to be trained by mentors and speakers in order to organize a workshop about Mental Health. it was 3 days of training with activities and stuff then one full day workshop which the one we have to organize, a total of 4 days where we live together and bond. In the 1st day of the training, we have this one activity called "The red string" where we have a red wool and a person start with answering "Why do you advocate for Mental Health" and after they finish answering it they will throw the red wool to another person and it continues. Seem like nothing big deal right? Wrong. The reason why I advocate for Mental Health is a bit self victimize-ing (which I hate victimize-ing myself). I didn't know what to say, in the back of my head I was thinking about lying or coming up with something that won't victimize myself and make me look weak...

My first Blog; An Introduction

My first blog, let start with an introduction. I am Mony, male, currently, while I am writing this blog I'm 18, working as a Teacher assistant also a 3rd-year student major in tourism and hospitality who spend most of his time playing games and volunteering. Passion in life is to live life to the fullness, make changes and be healthy-happy.  Specifically, the regrets I have in life will be a lesson but it won't stop me from living and thriving. Improving the LGBTIQ+ situation, Environmental situation and Mental Health situation in my country. self-love to be mentally and physically healthy also always be positive and nothing will ever let you down. Going on to why I started blogging; I've read a few blogs and I loved it also I have issue talking to people about how I really feel and stuff, one of the reason is I feel like victimize-ing my self or I feel like I'm asking for attention -I don't like that, I like being strong and ready to be there for p